Anime Empire Wiki

★ Neon Star Agent ★:Chapter Three is authored by User:BullaBrief101.

Chapter Three: Agent M?, Lady of 17[]

Joseph Lynn returned back to his sector headquarters feeling more nervous than ever. He feared that an invasion will be coming soon to this city; he wasn't even sure if this city was ready for it. Joseph's parents died twenty years ago because of a demon invasion; they were soldiers spending days and nights keeping the city protected.

Joseph sighed simply because he was tired and stressed. Much crap has been on his plate lately. In the last fifteen years, there were no invasions, but now no one was sure.

As soon as he returned to his desk, he stood on top of it like what Elucimen told him to do. He raised his hands up high even though he thought it was stupid.

"Feel the power...feel the power....feel the damn power!" he repetitively whispered. The sliding door to the office suddenly opened because of someone wanting to see the boss man.

Bulla was walking in a determined look on her face. "Hey sir,I-..." she started to say, before noticing her boss standing on his desk; it was never normal for him because he was more of a strict and stern person.

Joseph felt embarrassed, the fact that his employee saw him like this made him look bad.

"NEVER SPEAK OF THIS TO ANYONE!" he shouted out then covered his mouth. Bulla just nodded her head slowly.

"Ooooooooookayyyyy" she agreed." was the meeting?" she asked.

Her boss signed. "Interesting I guess..." he replied.

"What's so interesting about?" Bulla asked as she sat down on a small chair, in front of the desk, facing her boss.

Joseph sighed again. "Well....we saw your fight with the creature possessing the thief like some demon. The police even questioned the thief about the creature and rumor has it that there's more out there....." he explained.

Bulla just nodded. She had no idea of what's happening here; all she knew was that the creature possessed the thief at the streets, but she has never seen such a creature in her life.

"Mr. Lynn, I have some news!" a scientist alarmed him.

Joseph turned around to see him. "What is it Dr.Nuclear?" he asked.

His full name was Dr. Astral Nuclear, he was tall and muscular. He had blue hair, black eyes, and a red scar that goes straight through the eye. For his out fit, he wore a white polo shirt, tan pants, and brown shoes. All beneath the white lab coat.

"Hello, Astral." Bulla greeted.

"Hello Bulla." he replied then pulled a strand of hair from her.

"OW" she cried. "What the hell?!"

Astral placed the hair in his right lab coat pocket. "Its for an experiment of my own" he answered. "and now, I've done some studies over the creature that attacked the man, there's a LOT more out there."

"What? How do you even know?" he asked.

"When they turned the thief in, I did some operation....." he said that made Bulla and Joseph freeze. "and the creature left some green liquid in his blood. I took a sample, ran it through some tests and scanners told me that there's more lurking out there as we speak..."

Joseph sighed "Dammit.." he huffed.

"Mr. Lynn?" Bulla asked

"What,agent?" he turned to her.

Bulla took out her Neo-Sword. "Let ME slaughter these creatures!" she insisted. Joseph paused and looked at her. "Agent...."

Bulla smirked. "Its no sweat, really...even though Steven beat it for me." she frowned.

"True." he said crossing his arms.

"but I'm ready to face them though..."Bulla whispered.

Joseph smiled. "I know....but are you willing to face the dangers?" he asked worried.

Bulla bowed "I am."

Joseph nodded "Okay, but first go home, you will receive your instructions there." he instructed.

Bulla smiled. "Thank you, sir." She left with a bright smile on her face.

Hours later, Bulla was relaxing in her apartment; reading a magazine while drinking a Space Cola. She seemed to be into the magazine, but was really waiting for her boss's instructions.

She gazed at her video wrist watch every five minutes waiting for her boss. Suddenly, the video watch turned on and Joseph appeared on her screen with a serious expression.

" Yes! Finally!" she shouted with glee.

"Agent, you are to be assigned with a secret contact, she'll help you along the way with destroying those creatures. Apparently these things are created in bases." he explained.

"Who is this secret contact, and where should I find her?!" Bulla asked.

Joseph took out a piece of paper. "Her code name is M-1778, boss of sector seventeen."

Bulla nodded. "Interesting...where can I find this agent?" she asked.

Joseph looked at his paper again. "Her post is at Melanie's Snack Shack in Pearl Sand Beach, not too far from your apartment. Just outside the city near the ocean." he said.

"What does she look like?" Bulla asked.

"She has purple hair and sea green eyes. Now you have to listen, just go to the snack shack and you'll spot her,then order a medium sized strawberry splash, then pay for it with your N.S.A. credit card, she'll recognize it then know you're the agent sent out by me. Then she'll help you out by telling you anything that you need to know about these creatures."

Bulla started to write it down. "Got order a medium Strawberry splash,pay with N.S.A.card, and that's it." she recapped.

"Correct agent." Joseph confirmed. "Now get some rest, you'll need it." he advised.

Bulla yawned "Okay....night sir."

Joseph just nodded then the screen appeared black again. Bulla yawned again then she slowly relaxed on her bed.

"I'm gonna need it indeed." she whispered before going to sleep.

Part 2[]

In a secret ship far away, located on the bottom of a lake far away from Syntrastar City.

"So...N.S.A and the council caught onto our little "act"..." a man with a black steel helmet said as he sat on his cushion chair.

The man is tall and is wearing a black steel helmet that came with a mask so no one could see his face. He also wore a heavy robotic suit to accompany his helmet.

A tiny silver robot appeared next to him. "Yes and they are probably gonna create a plan to destroy us." he informed him paranoid.

"No matter...our plan will soon be in motion." he said. The robot only shivered. "B-but..the agents." it stuttered.

"Screw Syntrastar City in general! Hell, screw the whole world!" He shouted which caused the robot to shiver more.

"It will all to their knees, will." he whispered. "In the mean time, let's prepare the rest of the bombs!" he ordered.

"Y-yes sir..." the robot stuttered again before leaving.

End of chapter 3...